The Christmas tree is down, the presents have been all unwrapped, at the least the ones I remembered. I always seem to forget about one gift. I will find it when I am looking for something else. Story of my life. So it is time to think about the New Year ahead. Love them or hate, I like to make resolutions. I don't always keep them, but at least they point me in the direction I'd like to be headed. This what I have instore for the next year.
Resolution number 1- Put things away after I use them. I swear I spend half my life looking for things and the other half been annoyed that I that I can't find it.
Resolution number 2- Excercise more, ok just excercise. I am not sure how I am going to do this yet. The winters in Wisconsin are long and cold so, walking outside is not always an option. Of course I do have video tapes which I could do any time, but this really isn't a favorite for me.
Resolutions number 3- Have more fun! Have more fun with your kids, with your husband, with your friends, with your crafts. Just let somethings go and have fun.
Resolution number 4-Learn one new skill this year. I have about ten in mind, but I am going to take a computer class on Photoshop Elements.
Hope all you have a safe and happy New Year
The Junk Mammas